Dreams, Visions, and Destiny

Many cultures today lack any awareness of the significance of dreaming. In some cultures, the lack could be due to their contemporary lifestyles that prioritizes productivity, material success, and rational thinking over understanding the value of the subconscious or inner selves. The focus of this book is to understand how God still speaks to us today through dreams and visions. God gives dreams and visions to men and women and boys and girls. He speaks to believers of his Gospel today as well as those in the past though dreams, visions, supernatural activities, and prophesies. This concept is from Christian beliefs and the notion that God is universal. God is universal, and the “nature and meaning of dreams come from the humanities.” Dreams help us understand who we are in relation to other humans individually, locally, and globally. It provides an understanding of how we fit into society. Our belief in God expands our place in society and is based on a spiritual point of view. This book searches deeper into dreams and their guidance from God and his Holy Spirit.

God is answering our prayers, and we can listen and see what he has to say. Dreaming, from a scientific point of view, occurs during the REM and non-REM stages of sleep. This is not the focal point of this book. It is not an emphasis from a psychological or scientific perspective. Research shows us how God speaks to us through dreams.

Don’t overreact. We can know on a conscious level what the subconscious has to say. The book is not meant to provide commercial “cult culture.” It is not presenting solutions to individual problems. Everyone must take responsibility for their own interpretations and understandings of their dreams. Interpretations of individual dreams are based on cultural beliefs. Some people have issues and dreams that require more help than this book cannot produce. Therapy is acceptable. Trust God during life’s journey. It is fine to get professional, emotional, and mental help when needed.

The Author

Paula Yolandé Wilson, PhD, is a mother, grandmother, and retired army veteran. She seeks to use writing to help improve people’s lives, including her own. She has more than twenty-three years of military service.
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Sharing uplifting guidance, this study reveals how God still speaks to us today, in the twenty-first, century through dreams and visions.
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